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    Company News

    Shuanglin Manufacturing successfully held 2017 Annual Working Conference

    2018-01-25 351 Share

    On January 25, 2018, Shuanglin Manufacturing held 2017 Annual Working Conference in Ninghai Hotspring Summer Resort; Wu Jianbin (Chairman of the Board), Wu Shaowei (Vice Chairman), members of the management team, department-head-level personnel from function departments and business departments, in total of more than 80 people, attended the conference; Shuanglin group management personnel was present by invitation.

    At first, the responsible personnel of the Planning Center analyzed the development trend of the automobiles industry and opportunity and challenge to be faced with; the responsible personnel of the Financial Center reported the situation on 2017 financial analysis and 2018 financial budget; the responsible personnel of each division reported the operating situation in 2017 and  objectives and plans in 2018; the responsible personnel of the Auditing Department summarized the audit findings in 2017 and proposed management improvement requirements on management members.

    Wu Shaowei, Vice Chairman, affirmed the achievements in 2017 and required each division to fully integrate and utilize resources for cooperative sharing; he hoped to strengthen core team building so as to provide support for strategy development; he hoped all employees would work towards the established goal to complete all the works successfully through joint efforts in 2018.

    Wu Jianbin, Chairman of the Board, reviewed the work in 2017, affirmed the achievements, pointed out existing problems, laid out main job objectives and tasks for 2018, and set forth clear requirements for each division; he requested managers at various levels to establish crisis awareness, overall awareness, target awareness and learning awareness, to keep in mind the stories about lion and antelope who must run to survive and run everyday; he requested them to strive to be best with "Three Awareness" (conscientiousness, aggressiveness, curiosesity) and "Four-self"(self-purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, self-enhancement) , to integrate the corporate culture into daily management so as to enhance internal cohesion and external competitiveness of the company. The chairman emphasized that happiness and achievements are achieved through hard work; with one step a footprint, we would walk steadfastly towards our goal and reach the set goal.

    Finally, Wu Jianbin, Chairman of the Board, signed 2018 Annual Target Responsibility Document with the person in charge of each division.

    As a new journey begins and a new blueprint is drawn, let’s remain true to our original aspiration, keep our mission firmly in mind, forge ahead with determination, firmly unite our thought towards our goal to complete targets and tasks successfully in 2018.