
Company News

Work Summary of Quality System and Commendation of Quality Month Activities Assessment of Year 2017

2017-10-30 259 Share

In order to carry out the quality policy of “Improve staffs’ quality, exceed customers’ expectation”, motivate mutual communication between Business Departments and keep the quality management level of Business Departments in the same level, and construct a high-efficiency quality management system of Shuanglin, Work Summary of Quality System and Commendation of Quality Month Activities Assessment of Year 2017 was held in Spring Hotel on October 30th. 

At the beginning of conference, managers of Business Departments and Quality Departments reviewed each quality index and critical works in 2017, and made conclusions on the scheming, execution and results of Quality Month Activities. After assessing group’s evalsuation, Motor Decoration Business Department achieved a preferable implementation effect and its working methods could be widely applied, therefore, Motor Decoration Business Department won the Best Organization Award in this Quality Month Activities.     

Subsequently, Business Departments shared successful experiences of quality management which were concluded as seven typical cases.

•Implementation of QIS in Decoration Business Department

•Time reduction of changing strings and improvement of QCC in Decoration Business Department

•Smell control of VOC in Decoration Business Department

•Sensitive sound defect reduction of actuator and improvement of QCC in Machine Electricity Business Department  

•Construction of cleanliness control system of power plant’s automatic transmission

•Improvement of the bluing of power tube in power plant

•SPC Statistical techniques of new torch production line and its applications

The cases covered many aspects, including quality problem management mechanism, whole staff QCC improvement and quality control system, which had practical value among Business Departments. The assessment group made a comprehensive evalsuation based on the quality awareness among participants and the whole staff, the improvement of product quality and the value promotion, etc. Eventually, the cases of “Implementation of OIS System” and “Construction and Perfection of Cleanliness Control System of Power Plant’s Automatic Transmission” had been granted “Award of Excellent Quality and Achievement Publication”.

Then, the leader of Business Department delivered a wonderful speech on the topic of “Improve Staffs’ Quality, Exceed Customers’ Expectation”, which further illustrated the connotation and meaning of quality and emphasized the importance of leadership, whole staff participation and customer first. The aspects of how to manage quality, control quality cost and guarantee effective operation of quality system also had been deeply analyzed.


At last came the part of awarding for excellent departments and teams. Leaders respectively presented “Award of Quality Knowledge Contest”, “Award of Excellent Quality and Achievement Publication” and “Award of Best Organization in this Quality Month Activities”.

Finally general manager of stock company drew a conclusion. First of all, general manager extended his congratulations to the departments, teams and people that achieved good marks in the quality month activities, and encouraged them to make persistent efforts and play an exemplary role in daily life. Meanwhile, general manager made a positive comment on the results achieved on this quality month activities and required that this activity should be regarded as one of the most important jobs of the incorporation which should be carried on continuously. Next, general manager made a summative assessment on trade development which brings opportunities and crisis and on the advantages and problems existing in inner quality management. He required everyone to improve quality management level with the combination of company’s developing strategies. General manager emphasized that everyone should be number-one responsible for quality and should insist the concept of “Doing It Right at the First Time”. Quality management is a job with a long way to go, but if all members make persistent effort, company’s quality management level must be improved which will go beyond customers’ expectation and supports business strategic development of the company.