
Company News

Extreme Confrontation — 2017 Quality Knowledge Contest

2017-10-30 205 Share

In order to effectively implement the quality policy “Improve Staffs’ Quality, Exceed Customers’ Expectation”, enhance quality awareness of staffs, promote quality improvement, strengthen the market competitiveness of the enterprise, Enterprise Management Center of the stock company and business department organized the Quality Month Activities which stepped into the final match —“Quality Knowledge Contest of the Headquarter”. 

——Team Presentation——

——Contest View——

1/ Warm-up

This part consisted of 10 basic questions and all teams needed to answer within a same period of time. The scores would be awarded after the judge announced the correct answer.

2/ Dynamic PK Show

Each team would race to be the first to answer the question.

3/ Infinite Association

The honored guest would select the key words for the contestants. Each key word would be corresponding to a set of questions which required to be answered within the prescribed time.

4/ Getting Help from Friends

Contestants selected from the six balloons on the screen and answered corresponding questions. If the answer was incorrect, contestants could ask the audience to help them to answer.

5/ Case Analysis

Contestants should apply 8D report form to provide blackboard-writing analysis and report on the stage on the given case. Then the honored guests would vote as per the performance of each team. 

——Contest Result——

As it came to the last part, audience and teams focused on the scoreboard. The first rank currently was “Transcendence Team” and the second was “Topspeed Team”. Dramatically, the scores of “Torch Team” and “Victory Team” were the same. According to the competition rules, “Torch Team” and “Victory Team” should go into additional match to compete for the third rank. The site seemed to be quiet and the two teams appeared to be calm. Through the intense competition, “Torch Team” won “Victory Team” and got the third rank in this knowledge contest by only one more correct answer.

——Summary of the Honored Guest——

After the competition rang down the curtain, manager of each Business Department gave a summary of the “Quality Knowledge Contest”. Each of them thought this contest gained good effect based on selective contests of each Business Department. Meanwhile, leaders of each Business Department proposed requirements for the future work - Each unit should implement quality policy at any time and also should pay attention to the quality cost control.


At last, Mr Qian, Vice General Manager of the stock company, delivered a speech to summarize this knowledge contest - This knowledge contest has achieved its expected effect. Contest itself is not the purpose, but a way to improve the awareness and understanding of product quality, to promote the whole company to stress on quality, focus on quality and concern on quality.