
Company News

Shuanglin New Torch “Quality Month” Mobilization Meeting Held Successfully

2017-09-09 299 Share

In order to actively respond to the spirits from 2017 Quality Month Meeting held by Shuanglin and effectively follow-through quality policies for the purpose of improving quality awareness and quality management level, strengthening core competitiveness and enhancing the presence of New Torch in domestic and foreign auto parts industry, New Torch planned and performed the 2017 “Quality Month” activity. 

At the afternoon on September 9, “Quality Month” Mobilization Meeting, presided by Head of HR and Executive Department of New Torch, was held in the training room on the 1st floor of new factory. All the large shift leaders and higher management personnel were present in the meeting. 

Quality Director of New Torch started the meeting by introducing this “Quality Month” plan and emphasized that product quality was the core competitiveness of an enterprise, enhancing product and service quality was an important mean to ensure market share and continuous operation. According to the Quality Director, as a vehicle part for safety, hub bearing not only carries the weight of the whole car, but also our social responsibility. So we must start from now and from little things to execute quality management system standards and adhere to “three-no” principle, i.e., not accepting disqualified product, not manufacturing disqualified product and not passing disqualified product. 

Mr. Ge, Standing Deputy General Manager of New Torch gave instructions about the works to be completed in “Quality Month”. According to Mr. Ge, quality is the life of an enterprise and requires the engagement of everyone. Only high quality product will win the market and ensure the survival and development of an enterprise. Quality is forever the highest priority of our Company. Product quality penetrates into each step of operating activities and everyone is responsible for quality. Each person must strictly comply with work standards to practice the concept of “doing the thing right the first time”. We must fully motivate all staffs’ creativity and initiative to continuously push quality improvement, and to meet and exceed customer expectation. 

The Vow Ceremony pushed the atmosphere to the climax. Under the guidance of Mr. Ge, all the participants clenched their right fists and vowed seriously: As the quality supervisors of Shuanglin New Torch products, we are fully committed ourselves to the works by being responsible for the enterprise, customers and personal works. We will strictly execute quality standards and make good quality control to fight for creating a world -class enterprise and for achieving our company’s 100 year strategy. After the vow, led by Mr. Ge, everyone signed his/her name on the Quality Month activity exhibition board to make their own commitment. 

The Mobilization Meeting was ended upon the completion of signature ceremony. The quality policy of “Practice Full Involvement and Exceed Customer Expectation” will be penetrated into all the subsequent works as the completion of this meeting. It is hoped that all the staffs can work together to supervise their own works and implement Company quality policies down-to-earth.