
Company News

“Work Together to Change Accessories” Biannual Operation Working Meeting of Automobiles Accessories Successfully Held in Shanghai Head Office

2017-08-08 234 Share

On August 8th, NingBo Shuanglin Auto Parts Co.,Biannual Operation Working Meeting of Automobiles Accessories 2017 was successfully held in Head Office, Shanghai. The Meeting was organized in the theme of “Work Together to Change Accessories” and attended by 26 officers including General Manager,Chen Youfu,Vice General Manager,General Manager Assistant and heads of functional departments for different systems, heads of factories. 

First,functional departments reported their works completed in the past half year, emphasized the prominent problems and critical work issues, and proposed actions to make improvement in the next half year. Second, factories made reports about their works in the past half year, concluded shortcomings, formulated work objectives and plans for the forthcoming half year. 

Mr.Chen positively assessed the performances made in the first half year and showed his appreciation, explained the middle term strategic planning of Automobiles Accessories in order to specify the future strategic direction, product positioning, customer positioning and work directions of factories. 

At the end, Mr.Chen summarized the works achieved by different systems and factories, pointing the existing weaknesses, requiring further management of account and properties and cost control, improvement of project development and die development. Since the threshold to interior and exterior accessories relatively lows, we need to adhere to the concepts of “to be excellent or to be abandoned “, and the spirit of “never give up”, to learn more advanced management experience, ideas and technologies modestly, to continue technological innovation and cost reduction, thereby keeping sustainable development of Automobiles Accessories.