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    Company News

    Marching in youth Start the Journey in Shuanglin

    2017-07-12 229 Share

    The sun is blazing like a ball of fire in July. And the Shanghai headquarter of Shuanglin Group was even livelier because of the coming of a flock of new faces which are young but full of passion and ambition. They are the members of “Young Lion” Training camp for the 2017 university students!

    At 9:00 a.m. on July 10, the opening ceremony of the “Young Lion” Training camp for the 2017 university students of Shuanglin Group was successfully held in the Shanghai headquarter. On the opening ceremony, Wang Hongmei, executive supervisor of education strategy of Shuanglin Group and HR supervisor of the limited company, made the speech.

    Wang first stated the significance and purpose of the training and meanwhile proposed her requirements for the students: upon their arrival in Shuanglin, they should learn to adapt, learn to rapidly change their roles and turn “pushing me to learn” to “I’m willing to learn”. In the rapid development stage of Shuanglin, they must seize the opportunities to learn rapidly, embrace challenges together with Shuanglin and never give up. Finally, Wang also hoped to work together with the departments to make this training a success.

    Different from the previous years, the biggest challenge for the “young lions” this year is to receive strict military training.

    In the intense heat of summer, members of “Young Lion” Training camp for the 2017 university students started their three-day military training in the forceful vows.

    This military training included three rows of matrix, who received the training of standing at attention, standing at ease, marching, walking in steps and self-defense under the guidance of the officers. Although they were in different rows, the slogan of “Shuanglin manufacturing, the honor of both you and I” was orderly, resounding and loud, which was not only the self-motivation and vow of students, but also everyone’s relentless pursuits of future.

    During the three-day military training, members endured fatigues and pains and showed their heroic postures, displaying the manners of the little soldier. In each training, including the pose of soldier, the rapid and simple position at ease, standing at attention and also the rigorous parade step, they all required themselves as a soldier and try to do the best.

    A girl in the 3rd Camp had bad physical quality and the instructor told her for multiple times to have a break and then attend the training. But she didn’t give up, which shows the perseverance of the new members. Joe Bailey once said: the firm will is equal to a pair of wings to the feet. Through the military training, they will truly know the importance of carefulness, perseverance and seriousness in work.

    On July 12th, our company held the military training report-back performance for the 2017 university students. In the performance, members had agile actions and lofty vigor, fully showing the active spiritual appearance and the young demeanor of Shuanglin. In addition, members integrated the ideas of Shuanglin to the rehearsal of military training and laid out the logo of Shuanglin with their figure——hexagonal gear, Shuanglin education and Shuanglin tourism, thus wining the applause of the leaders present.

    Finally, Wang represented the leaders who attended the report-back performance to put forward their requirements and expectations, hoping all the students could summarize their feelings in the military training and apply the spirits of the military army to the future work.

    So far, the military training for the 2017 university students ended with the group photo of leaders and members. This is just a start, marking that the company will gradually complete the construction of the talent echelon. The bugle call has rung. We are waiting for more strengths of the new generation who dare to embrace the future, and bravely face the challenges to gather here and struggle for the tomorrow of the company!