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"Team Building, Collective Wisdom and Efforts" How to Make Shuanglin Students Show Sunshine and Confidence

2017-06-09 204 Share

In the hot June, the "team building, collective wisdom and efforts" promotive training activity with "how to make Shuanglin students show sunshine and confidence" as the theme was launched on June 9 in Shuanglin vocational school. This training was organized by Shuanglin College. Wang Hongmei, CEO for Shuanglin education strategy, and Lou Yongmeng, president of Shuanglin vocational school attended and held the training launching ceremony.

It is pointed out in welcome speech of president Lou that, teachers in Shuanglin vocational school not only need to become "double qualified" teachers, but to become enterprise trainers. It is also pointed out in CEO Wang's speech in launching ceremony that, board of the Group will pay great attention to Shuanglin education, and our vision is to innovate talent cultivation of Shuanglin mode, construct a stereoscopic education system, and forge a full supply chain talent export base. For Shuanglin vocational school, we need to reform traditional vocational education mode, focus on comprehensive and sustainable development of students, excavate and cultivate potential and future growth space of students. We will not merely highlight skills, but neglect cultivation and growth of vocational quality and vocational capacity of students. Cultivate students to form confidence, sunshine, perseverance, tolerance, and excellent habit of seeking for independent thinking and learning. CEO Wang also pointed out the goal of this training activity, except for jointly creating achievements, meanwhile, is to make teachers experience promotive technologies, so as to use promotive technologies to conduct teaching research, and apply in actual teaching reform, so as to create school based curriculum with Shuanglin characteristics.

The "facilitator" today is Mr. Chen Wenjun in the Teaching Research Department of Shuanglin College. Mr. Chen makes students participating in training form an initial recognition on "team building, collective wisdom and efforts", from the aspect of training workshop rules, team role division and project process planning. After that, the staff is divided into three teams to complete the training activity. At the beginning of "team building", people do not experience the subtlety of such learning method, after all teams completing "brainstorm", listing and extracting headwords, teachers are attracted by this learning method, in such a short time, with respect to the theme of "how to make Shuanglin students show sunshine and confidence", all teams could export 5-6 different new thoughts, and could clap for themselves unconsciously, making the training activity enter the first climax.

In final stage of "team building", teachers have formed the tree diagram of "how to make Shuanglin students show sunshine and confidence", providing information source for the next "collective wisdom and efforts" module. All teams recognized important and emergent sub topics, conducted "brainstorm" again, conducted obstacle analysis and put forward feasible solutions. CEO Wang and president Lou also participated in these teams in an active stance and provided instructions occasionally, making the training activity enter the second climax. All teams analyzed profit matrix, and formulated stage action plan. CEO Wang and president Lou evalsuated action plan of all teams, provided instructions, and put forward specific requirements on how to conduct practical work for the next step.

During only half a day's training, teachers all indicated that achievements are great, and promotive technologies are amazing, hoping they could continue learning "updated" promotive technologies, and could apply these in daily teaching.